Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tuesdays with Morrie: A Story About a Man and His College Professor

Tuesdays with Morrie is the true story of sports writer Mitch Albom and Morrie Schwartz, Albom's favorite professor from his college days at Brandeis University. During Albom's undergraduate years, he and Schwartz formed a warm friendship that went beyond the typical student-teacher relationship. After graduation, although Albom vowed to keep in touch with his favorite professor, he failed to do so.

Years later, while flipping channels on the television one evening, Albom stumbled across the introduction to Nightline and heard the name Morrie Schwartz. His long-forgotten professor was the subject of an interview, during which Albom learned that his former mentor was dying of ALA, Lou Gehrig's disease. Albom decided to get in touch with his former professor.

Albom began to visit Schwartz regularly, and Tuesdays with Morrie is a journal of the conversations the two men shared until Schwartz passed away 14 weeks later. The book, far from being morbid, details the lessons Schwartz provides in his last class:  How to die with dignity and without fear. Great stuff.

You can find this inspirational book at amazon at the following link: Tuesdays with Morrie.

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