Friday, August 5, 2016

Ten-year-old Dalton Sherman asks the question, "Do you believe in your students?"

As educators all over the country ready for another school year, we are undoubtedly contemplating our role as a teacher, advocate, and role model for our kids. Here is a keynote speech from a young man just ten years old who asks the question, "Do you believe in your students?" You've got to see this!

1 comment:

  1. That's a good video. Liked it a lot. And really, the question is "do you believe in your students?". The answer to that is simple - no. Most teachers don't believe in their students and this is the main problem of nowadays education. They take educational process as a job, not as actual process of growing specialists and personalities. Situation is slightly different with We believe in every student. That's why we are ready to help everyone who needs it. Asking yourself who can write papers for me? We can!
